Cold-water fish oils contain a high concentration of the omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), which have potent anti-inflammatory effects. The oil from certain plant seeds, particularly borage, evening primrose, and black currant, have high concentrations of the omega-6 fatty acid GLA, which is also anti-inflammatory.
The omega-6 fatty acid AA (arachidonic acid) is found in high concentration in the fat of red meats and can be inflammatory, possibly increasing the risk for various diseases and inflammatory processes. Trans-fat is found in processed foods and is very damaging to your health. The Fatty Acid Profile can guide you to the right balance of fat intake.
The Fatty Acid Profile will evaluate key omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and calculates key indicators to establish your optimal balance. Trans fatty acids (the "bad" fats in processed foods) are also measured. All from a simple finger stick that you can collect in the comfort of your own home.
If you suffer from any of the following you need to run this profile now:
• Diabetes
• Pain
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Brain Fog
• Dry Skin
• Take Statin Drugs to Lower Cholesterol
• Heart Disease or Family History of Heart Disease
When you run the Fatty Acid Profile you will receive:
• Full test results of omega-3’s, omega-6’s, trans-fats and important ratios
• A customized plan by Dr. Webster designed to correct any possible fatty acid imbalances
• A 15 minute consultation with Dr. Webster to answer any questions you might have about your test results and customized plan